There are several things to understand when you own a motorcycle in Michigan. Michigan does not just have a helmet law for its motorcycle riders but it does have insurance requirements.
High Favor Insurance of Birmingham, MI wants you to enjoy the state’s roads safely. So you not only should wear your helmet, but you also need the right vehicle insurance.
It is important to understand that you need insurance before you can register your bike. You must prove financial responsibility by showing you have obtained coverage at least at the level of the state minimum requirements. That means you need liability insurance with bodily injury and property damage policies.
Michigan’s no-fault insurance policy applies to four-wheeled vehicles, not motorcycles. If you drive a motorcycle or moped of 50ccs that can exceed 30 mph in speed, you must carry insurance.
To meet with Michigan legal requirements, you need a policy that provides for bodily injury coverage of at least $20,000, $40,000 of coverage for bodily injuries or deaths of multiple people in an accident, and $10,000 of property damage coverage.
You might need more than the minimums if you typically commute on your motorcycle or travel long distances on it. The more time you ride, the better your chance for an accident.
If you skip the insurance and get caught, you could get a traffic citation. You can typically get it waived if you can prove you did have coverage at the time. If you cannot, you may lose your license and your registration.
Just visit us at High Favor Insurance of Birmingham, MI to discuss your motorcycle needs. We can help you understand the coverage you need to safely stay on the road.