Obtaining auto insurance in your later years can be a complex process. Some companies offer discounts to drivers over 55, recognizing their years of driving experience. However, statistics show that drivers over 65 experience higher fatal crashes per mile than most other age groups, second only to teenagers. While it was once common for insurers to refuse coverage to drivers over 75, this has been deemed discriminatory and is no longer legal. While age brings experience, it can also bring physical impairments that affect driving skills. Here are some tips on maintaining insurance coverage in your golden years.
Prepare for Testing
You may need to prove that you’re still a capable driver. This could involve both simulated driving tests and on-road driving tests. You might also need to take a written test, so consider reviewing a driver’s manual to refresh your knowledge of road rules. Consider taking a driving course. Not only will this help you become a safer driver, but some insurance carriers may offer a discount for course completion. You’ll likely be required to take a vision test. If you need corrective lenses, this will be noted on your license.
High Favor Insurance: Serving Birmingham, MI
If you’re in the Birmingham, MI area and need auto insurance, please get in touch with High Favor Insurance. Regardless of your age, our friendly and knowledgeable agents will guide you through the process of finding the policy that best suits your unique needs.